• Aura moderate enchantment
    • CL 9th
    • Slot head
    • Weight 1 lb.
    • Price 84,000 gp

When placed over the head, this halo of shimmering polished steel floats above it, though it still takes up the head slot. The halo constantly radiates a 20-foot-radius aura from its wearer. Any hostile creature within the aura must succeed at a DC 20 Will save or take a –2 penalties on attack rolls, saving throws, and AC for the next 24 hours or until it hits the wearer with an attack or damages it with a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability. Chaotic creatures take a –2 penalty on this saving throw. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect of the halo of menace cannot be affected by the same wearer’s aura for 24 hours. The aura is a mind-affecting effect.